Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Michigan fans are truly delusional A-Holes. Lloyd Carr (an NMU grad), who won more national titles than the sainted Bo ever did, wasn't good enough.  Rich Rod, who wasn't a good a fit from the start admittedly, was only given 3 years.  Lloyd and Brandon the Great personally kiboshed Les Miles, a "Michigan Man" and a proven winner in the Big 12 and SEC with Ohio roots, was turned down twice.  AD Brandon by his own admission watches film with the coaches every week -- WTF.  

All things are cyclical and the House of Schembecler has fallen. Just like the House of Biggie & Duffy (both of whom had strong winning  percentages against U of M which was terrible b/w 1951 and 1968, Pre-Bo) fell in the late 60s and early 70s.  

Bo and AD Canham were legends and deservedly so.  The current  crew are pretenders to the myth of "The Michigan Man."  Hail my ass, you deserve it Blue. 

In the prescient words of Mark Dantonio after U of M's "Little Brother" comment in 2007:

"Pride goeth before the fall."  

Yes, I hate U of M football with the burning passion of 10,000 suns. It is probably the most arrogant institution of higher education west of Harvard.  

They have also fought MSU at every turn both on and off the playing field. They tried to steal their engineering school, they fought them becoming designated a university, and they blocked them from joining the Big 10 for years, and they forced MSU to play them in Ann Arbor for decades dating  back to when MSU was Michigan Agricultural College, hence the entirely inflated and misleading all-time series between the two.  


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