Wednesday, March 6, 2013


When streaking became a fad across the country, especially on college campuses in the 70s, Northern fell right into place.

The upcoming edition of Horizons, Northern’s alumni magazine, is all about NMU’s history and there are interesting articles about everything from past fashion trends to campus eateries. I was surprised by a half-page note about streaking and the Brule Run so I decided to look into it.

streakers articleWhen the trend first started in 1974, there was an article in The North Wind about a group of streakers who were running on campus roofs: “People streaked the roof of Halverson: they streaked on bicycles, they streaked piggy back, they streaked in groups, they streaked alone, they streaked playing basketball.”

It wasn’t a small fad. Gries Hall organized a “grand streak” in which residents ran to Payne and Magers Halls. And there was “streak-fester” (probably a play off Win-fester which is what the winter homecoming was called) in the Payne-Halverson courtyard that was complete with flood lights and a P.A. system.

There are plenty of national articles that wonder why the trend was so popular, but I think Northern students sum it up pretty well in the NW article from the 70s:

 “‘Why not? It’s fun. I was drunk. 
It seemed like a good idea at the time.’”

newspaper article
1990 North Wind article
A more recent incident of streaking is recorded in The North Wind in 1990 when a guy ran across campus in 20 degree weather to support the women’s volleyball team becoming national champions. It sounds like people were pretty surprised as he ran from Hedgcock through the Academic Mall to a car waiting in the circle drive near Jamrich Hall. The newspaper reporter interviewed the associated dean of students at the time, Ed Niemi, who said any discipline for the anonymous runner would probably fall under disorderly conduct in the student code, but mentioned that it used to happen all the time. He said, ‘”The courtyard between Payne and Halverson hall use to abound with them.’” The 1990 article finishes with a sad bit of observation: “In addition to possible frostbite the streaker probably has some bruises today because he fell twice.” 

EDITOR'S NOTE:  They have clearly forgotten the grand NMU tradition of "The Naked Basrunner" at football team's annual end-of-spring practice softball game from the late 80's/early 90's.  

TRIVIA QUESTION:  Can you name the first Naked Baserunner?  He's from the class of 1987.  Can you name any other Naked Baserunners?

Written by Lucy Hough
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